A method of assessing the susceptibility of a breast tumor to a reduction inhypoxia,comprising delivering controlled amounts of oxygen and carbon dioxide toattain astarting end tidal concentration of oxygen (PetO2) which lies in the range of350 to 450mm Hg and a starting end tidal concentration of carbon dioxide (PetCO2) whichlies inthe range of 42 to 55 mm of Hg: incrementally increasing or decreasing the endtidal ofat least one of oxygen and carbon dioxide wherein at least one increment ismaintainedfor at least as long as the time required to obtain a surrogate measure oftumoroxygenation reflecting at least an increase or decrease in oxygenation of thetumorrelative to a previously measured surrogate value of tumor oxygenation in atleast oneregion of the breast tumor, wherein at least one of -- the starting PetO2andanincremental increase or decrease in PetO2--, is in the range of approximately375 toapproximately 425 mm of Hg, and wherein at least one of -- the starting PetCO2and anincremental increase or decrease in PetCO2-- is in the range of approximately42 toapproximately 50 mm of Hg; and obtaining at least one surrogate measure oftumoroxygenation after incrementally increasing or decreasing the end tidal of atleast one ofoxygen and carbon dioxide for comparison to a previously measured surrogatevalue oftumor oxygenation, with respect to at least one region of the breast tumor.