Yi Seed Stuffing expect Cheng Xing Machine, set comprising a feeding cylinder, a Wai Zhao Installed and a Dial Liao Installed are set, feeding cylinder is formed with an appearance Liao Kong InterWai Zhao Installed are set including a cover Shell and an outer end plate, the discharging Kong Inter that Xiang Even are logical outside Yi With are collectively formed every the Zhi Li An Installed wall Zhao Shell With outer end plates of position what outer end plate Inner Side comprising Yi Inter in cover Shell, cover Shell, which is formed with one, to be made to hold Liao Kong Inter With dischargings Kong Inter Xiang Even Tong Even through slots hole, and outer end plate includes a Cheng Wai Wound Like Round arc Inner circumferential surfacesDial Liao Installed set Bao Kuo mono- Let and set what appearance Liao Kong Inter Inner Luo Rod, and Yi Ke Turn Move Pivot connect the Dial materials and parts of what Zhi Li An Installed walls, Dial materials and parts Bao Han Complex Number Pian Let set the Dial tablets of what discharging Kong Inter Inner, each opposite ends Dial tablets Two Fen Do abut Yu Round arcs Inner circumferential surfaces, the curvature Changeization of each Dial Liao Pian Turn Move Time Hui Sui Zhu Round arc Inner circumferential surfaces Er Shen Shrink shiftings Move.一種餡料成型機,包含一入料筒、一外罩裝置及一撥料裝置,入料筒形成有一容料空間;外罩裝置包括一罩殼及一外端板,罩殼包含一間隔位於外端板內側的直立安裝壁,罩殼與外端板共同形成一與外部相連通的出料空間,罩殼形成有一使容料空間與出料空間相連通的連通槽孔,外端板包括一呈圍繞狀的圓弧形內周面;撥料裝置包括一設置於容料空間內的螺桿,及一可轉動地樞接於直立安裝壁的撥料件,撥料件包含複數片設置於出料空間內的撥料片,各撥料片兩相反端分別抵接於圓弧形內周面,各撥料片轉動時會隨著圓弧形內周面的曲率變化而伸縮移動。