A stent delivery and deployment system for use primarily with self-expandingstents, incorporating a traction tube extending over the length of the diametricallycompacted and constrained stent and everting back over itself, with the outereverted portion of the traction tube preferably extending to the proximal endof the delivery system. A constraining sleeve is provided between the inner,non-everted portion and outer, everted portion of the traction tube, the constrainingsheath extending over the length of the constrained stent prior to deploymentand diametrically constraining the diametrically compacted self-expandingstent. The application of tension to the proximal end of the traction tube causesthe constraining sheath to move in a proximal direction, freeing the constrainedstent as it moves and allowing the stent to deploy against the wall of the body conduitwithin which it is located during the deployment process.