The present invention relates to a unitary absorbent structure and method thereof wherein said unitary absorbent structure comprises an absorbent core (5) and/or an acquisition (2) and dispersion (3) layer, said absorbent core (5) and/or an acquisition (2) and dispersion (3) layer comprising at least one non-woven fibrous substrate layer (23) having a void volume suitable to be penetrated by super absorbent particles, characterized in that said super absorbent particles are dispersed in the substrate layer (23) according to a size distribution gradient along the depth direction or z-direction of said absorbent core (5) and/or acquisition (2) and dispersion (3) layers.<;p>;EL PRESENTE INVENTO SE REFIERE A UNA ESTRUCTURA UNITARIA ABSORBENTE, Y AL METODO DEL MISMO, EN DONDE DICHA ESTRUCTURA UNITARIA ABSORBENTE COMPRENDE UN NUCLEO ABSORBENTE (5) Y/O UNA CAPA DE ABSORCION (2) Y DISPERSION (3), DICHO NUCLEO ABSORBENTE (5) Y/O CAPA DE ABSORCION (2) Y DISPERSION (3) COMPRENDEN POR LO MENOS UNA CAPA DE SUSTRATO FIBROSO NO TEJIDO, (23) QUE TIENE UN VOLUMEN VACIO, APROPIADO PARA SER PENETRADO POR PARTICULAS SUPER ABSORBENTES, CARACTERIZADO PORQUE DICHAS PARTICULAS SUPER ABSORBENTES ESTAN DISPERSAS EN LA CAPA DE SUSTRATO (23) SEGÚ;N UN GRADIENTE DE DISTRIBUCION POR TAMAÑ;O A LO LARGO DE LA DIRECCION DE PROFUNDIDAD O DIRECCION Z DE DICHO NUCLEO ABSORBENTE (5) Y/O CAPAS DE ABSORCION (2) Y DISPERSION (3).<;/p>;