Automated IMT system hypothesize that far wall of the common carotid artery has the highest intensity. In this current application, we verify that this hypothesis holds true for B-mode or RF-mode longitudinal ultrasound images of the carotid wall. The methodology consists of generating the composite image (arithmetic sum of images) from the database by first registering the carotid image frames with respect to a nearly straight carotid artery frame from the same database using (a) B-spline based non-rigid registration and (b) affine registration. Prior to registration, we segment the carotid artery lumen using a level set based algorithm followed by morphological image processing. The binary lumen images are registered and the transformations are applied to the original grayscale CCA images. These B-mode or RF-mode ultrasound images are then used for IMT computation using automated methods which hypothesize that far wall has the brightest intensity distribution.