Medicine weighing device according to the present invention has not only a medicine weighing function but also an audit function and a compact constitution which can display a weighing value and a result of the audit on a same screen, and makes it possible to audit corresponding to an input situation of an audit condition. For this purpose, the medicine weighing device has the constitution comprisinga weighing means 2 for weighing medicinea display means 3 for displaying the weighing value and the weighing conditionan input means 3 for inputting the weighing conditiona storage means 11 storing an audit program and medicine dataa control means 5 which calculates a recommended dose by running the audit program stored in the storage means 11 based on the weighing condition which can be inputted by the input means 3 and display the medicine weight weighed by the weighing means 2 on the display means 3.本發明之目的在於提供一種藥品秤量裝置,其係不僅具有秤量機能還具有檢查機能,具有可於同一畫面上顯示秤量值及檢查結果之密實構造,且可進行因應秤量條件輸入狀況之檢查者。於該藥品秤量裝置本體設置有:秤量機構,係用以秤量調劑對象藥品者;顯示機構,係可顯示秤量值及秤量條件者;輸入機構,係可輸入前述秤量條件者;記憶機構,係可記憶檢查程式及藥品資料者;及控制機構,係可僅根據在前述秤量條件中,前述輸入機構可輸入的秤量條件,藉由實行記憶於前述記憶機構之檢查程式算出常用量,並且將算出之常用量、及藉由秤量機構所秤量的藥品重量顯示於顯示機構者。1...裝置本體1a...遮罩2...秤量部2a...天秤台3...顯示部4...記憶部5...控制部6...列印機7...條碼閱讀機8...防風匣9...框體9a...延伸設置部9b...突起10...蓋體10a...支軸10b...板狀部90...軸承90a...第1支持部90b...第2支持部