This invention is related to a pharmaceutical combination that contains aCaseinkinase 2 (CK2) peptide inhibitor (termed P15) along with the standardchemotherapeutic drugs used in cancer treatment and which are administeredtogether, separated or sequentially. The chemothearapeutic drugs includecisplatin,taxol, alkaloids from Vinca, 5-fluorouracil, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide,etoposide, mitomicin C, imatinib, iressa and velcade (vortezomib). Thesynergismbetween the P15 peptide and the anticancer drugs achieves an efficientconcentration of each cytostatic drug in the combination which is from 10- to100-foldlower than that for each cytostatic drug alone. The pharmaceutical combinationdescribed in this invention exhibits lower toxicity compared to that reportedby theanticancer therapeutics and therefore, it represents a crucial advantage forits use incancer therapy. Furthermore, the sequential administration of thispharmaceuticalcombination through the pretreatment with the P15 peptide leads to the chemosensibilization of refractory tumors to the anticancer therapeutics.