The present invention relates to a tracheostomy tube (100) for insertion through an incision on the anterior portion of the neck to assist in breathing of a patient. The tracheostomy tube (100) comprises an inner cannula (101), an outer cannula (102), a plurality of hinges (103, 104), a circular ring (105), a knob (106) and a cuff (107). The outer cannula (102) is inserted into the trachea. The inner cannula (101) comprises fenestrations, which overlaps with the oval opening on the outer cannula (102). The upper end of the inner cannula (102) facilitates placing the knob (106) to aid mounting. The hinge 1 (103) anchors the tracheostomy tube (100) to the neck of the patient. The hinge 2 (104) is fixed to the tracheostomy tube (100) by a circular ring (105). The inner cannula (101) is removed during blockage and replaced after cleaning. In addition to artificial breathing, the tracheostomy tube (100) also functions as a speech device. . (Figure 1)