The invention relates to anticarious delivery vehicles, specifically chewing gums, candies, confectioneries, toothpastes, dentifrices and gels. The invention specifically provides chewing gums, candies, confectioneries, toothpastes, dentifrices and gels containing non-toxic sparingly soluble calcium and phosphate compounds as additives, causing the release of calcium and phosphate ions into the oral cavity gradually and persistently for a period no less than 5 minutes. The invention provides released calcium phosphate ions that diffuse into partially demineralized tooth enamel or dentin, leading to remineralization and repair of caries lesions, dental plaque, open dentinal tubules and exposed dentin. The invention thus provides agents and methods for remineralization of teeth and for reducing or eradicating cariogenic challenge in plaque following sucrose intake. The formulations of the invention can thereby produce effective anticaries actions without the use of fluoride. In addition, the formulations of the invention can be used to desensitize hypersensitive teeth.