Method and system for determining the duration of motor unit action potentials in intramuscular electromyographic signals (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding)
Method and system for determining the duration of motor unit action potentials in intramuscular electromyographic signals. The invention comprises superimposing the train of action potentials of the captured motor unit and traversing it by means of a sliding window, where in each jump: a coefficient of similarity is calculated for each pair of the train of potentials, a statistic is obtained from the coefficients calculated for all pairs and, if an end condition is met, a similarity curve is obtained, the time instant where the curve reaches the maximum value, the initial time instant (tinit) is determined where the curve crosses a first start threshold and the final time point (tend) where the curve crosses a first end threshold and the potential duration of the motor unit action potentials is obtained by the difference between tend and tinit. (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding)M�todo y sistema de determinaci�n de la duraci�n de los potenciales de acci�n de unidad motora en se�ales electromiogr�ficas intramusculares.#La invenci�n comprende superponer el tren de potenciales de acci�n de la unidad motora capturado y recorrerlo mediante una ventana deslizante, donde en cada salto: se calcula un coeficiente de similitud por cada pareja del tren de potenciales, se obtiene un estad�stico a partir de los coeficientes calculados para todas las parejas y, si se cumple una condici�n de finalizaci�n, se obtiene una curva de similitud, se determina el instante temporal donde la curva alcanza el valor m�ximo, el instante temporal inicial (T{sub,inic}) donde la curva atraviesa un primer umbral de inicio y el instante temporal final (T{sub,fin}) donde la curva atraviesa un primer umbral de fin y se obtiene la duraci�n del potencial de los potenciales de acci�n de unidad motora mediante la diferencia entre T{sub,fin} y T{sub,inic}.