Khabarov Stanislav Nikolaevich (RU),Хабаров Станислав Николаевич (RU),Karbushev Viktor Fedorovich (RU),Карбушев Виктор Федорович (RU)
FIELD: agriculture.SUBSTANCE: tying raspberry stalks on trellises, harvesting, pruning off shoots which bore fruit and bending newly grown shoots are carried out. The raspberry growing time is divided into at least three periods. Tying the stalks of the whole row of raspberries is carried out on trellises by means of inclinable supports. The stalks are bent by the trellises to one side, and the supports are fixed in the inclined position. The bent raspberry stalks are held in the inclined position till fruiting shoots grow on them upwards. After ending the shoot formation, the raspberry stalks are bent with the trellises by turning the supports in the direction opposite the original inclination, with directing the raspberry shoots downwards. After harvesting, until finishing the formation of new raspberry stalks, the shoots that bore fruit are bent to the ground at an angle of 80-90°, or freed from the trellises. To ensure the favourable overwintering, the newly grown raspberry stalks are fixed on the trellises and bent to the ground in the direction opposite from the inclination of the stalks that bore fruit to the angle of 80-90°. They are held in this position the whole winter period. The device includes supports with a base and trellises, inclinable by means of the swivel connection in the direction transverse relative to the raspberry row. Each support is equipped with a mechanism for fixing it in at least five positions on each side of the supports - vertical, two inclined and two horizontal. Fixing the supports is carried out by means of a pin installed in an opening on the support and in openings corresponding to it. The openings are made on a sector rigidly fixed on the base for fixing the inclinable support.EFFECT: increasing the efficiency of harvesting raspberries by the mechanized method, improving the raspberry growth in the spring period.6 cl, 9 dwgГруппа изобретений относится к сельскому хозяйству, а именно к технологии выращивания малины. Осуществля