An elasticized absorbent article having a chassis including a topsheet, a backsheetand an absorbent structure. The rear waist region of the chassis includes a firstelastic region. A pair of opposed rear side panels is attached to the chassis atthe rear waist region. One or both of the side panels includes a second elasticregion. The article also includes fastening means. The elastic regions are arrangedso as to reduce the risk of incorrect fastening of the absorbent article aroundthe waist of the user and so that the absorbent article will have an improved andcomfortable fit, attractive appearance and the capability to stay in place duringnormal use. This is achieved by arranging the absorbent structure so that it terminatesa first distance from the transverse edge of the rear waist region and a seconddistance from the first elastic region; and by arranging fastening tabs on a transverseaxis extending between the absorbent structure and the first elastic region.