A method for manufacturing a 3-dimensional transformable polycrystalline diamond compact (PCD), generally comprising the steps of: Prepare a PCD blank drill a hole in the center of PCD blank and cut from the hole with a spiral way to or toward the outer edge. PCD sintered with tungsten carbide provides extension ability to the diamond layer which can be used to manufacture 3-dimensional tools and work pieces.一種具有可變形成三維型式的立體複合鑽石材料(PCD)之製造方法,主要包括下列步驟:準備一鑽石複合片;在鑽石複合片中打洞;利用蝸旋的切割方式從該洞向外緣切割。PCD與台金結合時,可輕易製造成披覆有鑽石複合片的三維的鑽石工具及/或鑽石零件。10‧‧‧鑽石複合片12‧‧‧鑽石層20‧‧‧洞