Metode og arrangement for å finne nye helse sammenhenger/tjenester fra dynamisk innsamlet helsedata fra store bruker grupper gjennom mobile apps, wearables og andre helse tjenester ved bruk Big Data kombinert med intelligente algoritmer og analyser
Method and system for finding new health relationships and services from Dynamically collected health data from large user groups through mobile health applications, "wearables" and other health services using Big Data techniques combined with intelligent algorithms and analysis. This happens through a continuous reading of a user's health information through the users use of the mobile health related applications and use of "wearables" (10..60). This health information is stored in a neutral, secured Big Data Health Storage (110) as it will continuously conduct searches for new relationships and services using algorithms and intelligent analysis (120). This system may lead to new discoveries / services that can proactively warn the users of health conditions that they can prevent and / or avoid. This will provide improved health for many and save society large health expenses. The solution is global and may be for all users of mobile phones.