Plakhotina Elena Nikolaevna (RU),Плахотина Елена Николаевна (RU),Belousova Tamara Nikolaevna (RU),Белоусова Тамара Николаевна (RU),Kulikov Ilyas Aleksandrovich (RU),Куликов Ильяс Александрович (RU),Pa
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to obstetrics and gynecology, anaesthesiology-resuscitation, transfusiology, and can be used for correction of blood loss in surgical resolution of a pregnant woman with ingrown placenta. Autoplazmodonorship is carried out with an autoplasma blank by plasmapheresis during pregnancy and its transfusion by a pregnant woman during operative delivery. Billet of autoplasma is performed by single-needle membrane plasmapheresis procedure, carrying out 3 procedures in terms of 24 to 30 weeks of pregnancy with interval of not less than 7 days between them. Each procedure is used to prepare 450–550 ml of autoplasma by 8–10 cycles per minute. One cycle involves taking 10 ml of blood, which is passed through a plasma filter with a membrane having a pore diameter of not more than 0.4 mcm, returning the blood cell elements back into the blood stream and obtaining 3–3.5 ml of blood plasma filtrate. After receiving 100 ml of autoplasma 100 ml of the balanced solution of electrolytes are introduced into the pregnant woman. During operative delivery at the stage of massive blood loss transfusion of prepared autoplasma is carried out simultaneously with collection, washing and reinfusion of auto-erythrocytes, Tranexam 1,000 mg is introduced.EFFECT: method provides improved results of operative delivery of patients with ingrown placenta due to timely, adequate and safe autologous plasma and erythrocytes.1 cl, 6 tbl, 2 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к акушерству и гинекологии, анестезиологии-реаниматологии, трансфузиологии, и может быть использовано доя коррекции кровопотери при оперативном разрешении беременной с врастанием плаценты. Проводят аутоплазмодонорство с заготовкой аутоплазмы методом плазмафереза во время беременности и ее переливанием беременной во время оперативного родоразрешения. Заготовку аутоплазмы осуществляют методом одноигольного мембранного плазмафереза, проводя 3 процедуры в сроки с 24 по