Shepelev Sergej Dmitrievich (RU),Шепелёв Сергей Дмитриевич (RU),Kravchenko Evgenij Nikolaevich (RU),Кравченко Евгений Николаевич (RU),Kravchenko Ilya Nikolaevich (RU),Кравченко Илья Николаевич (RU),Te
FIELD: agriculture.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to agriculture. Method includes furrow formation, simultaneous supply of seeds and fertilizers. Sowing is carried out with a wide-coverage stubble sowing machine with anchor plowshares for simultaneous sowing and application of fertilizers and adjustable stroke depth. Depth of inoculation is set in accordance with the level of moist soil determined before sowing, sowing is carried out in soil horizon with optimum moisture content for growth and development of plants. By means of installed on the specified depth of the shovel and undercutting disk knife located in front of the ploughshare, a furrow is formed, on the bottom of which seeds and fertilizers are laid, which are rolled with the help of the V-shaped roller with the maximum width equal to the width of the upper part of the furrow, filled with a layer of moist soil removed from the walls of the furrow, on top of which a layer of dry soil is formed, which spontaneously falls from the upper part of the furrow. Due to the design of the roller, the furrow is partially filled in accordance with agrotechnical requirements to depth of seeding of various types of crops, remaining on the field surface with a protective crest.EFFECT: method ensures increase of crop capacity due to seeds sowing in moist soil with formation of protective ridge and creation of favourable conditions for development of plants, especially at the first growth phases.1 cl, 4 dwgИзобретение относится к области сельского хозяйства. Способ включает образование борозды, одновременную подачу семян и удобрений. Посев производят широкозахватной стерневой сеялкой с анкерными сошниками для одновременного посева и внесения удобрений и регулируемой глубиной хода. Глубину посева устанавливают в соответствии с уровнем залегания влажной почвы, определенным перед посевом, посев осуществляют в почвенный горизонт с оптимальной для роста и развития растений влажностью. С помощью установленного на заданную глубину