Solid Pharmaceutical composition comprising defined derived biopterin of formulas I and II and at least a phosphate salt; Preparation method; use to treat traumatic brain injury or stroke or traumatic, including meningitis, Cranial Pressure High, Brain Injury L High School.
Solid Pharmaceutical composition comprising defined derived biopterin of formulas I and II and at least a phosphate salt; Preparation method; use to treat traumatic brain injury or stroke or traumatic, including meningitis, Cranial Pressure High, Brain Injury L High School.COMPOSICIÓN FARMACÉUTICA SÓLIDA QUE COMPRENDE DERIVADOS DE BIOPTERINA DE FÓRMULAS DEFINIDAS I Y II Y AL MENOS UNA SAL FOSFATO; MÉTODO DE PREPARACIÓN; USO PARA TRATAR UNA LESIÓN CEREBRAL TRAUMÁTICA O NO TRAUMÁTICA, ENTRE ELLAS, DERRAME O MENINGITIS, PRESIÓN CRANEAL ELEVADA, LESIÓN CEREBRAL SECUNDARIA.