Есилевский Юрий Михайлович (RU),Максименко Валерий Григорьевич (RU)
The invention relates to medicine and can be used for the treatment of non-infectious chronic prostatitis and prostatopaty (congestion, pelvic pain syndrome, ischemic disease of the pelvis). The technical problem solved in the inventive device is to incorporate randomness in the stimulating electrical current to reduce habituation of the organism to its effects and increase the functional capabilities of the device. To solve this technical problem, the apparatus for electrotherapy prostatopaty comprising a high frequency generator, a low frequency generator, power amplifier and amplitude modulator whose output through the power amplifier coupled to the first output device having a first input coupled to the output of the high frequency generator and the second input is connected to yield the low-frequency noise introduced generator, a low-pass filter and a pulse generator with a controlled frequency, whose output is connected to a second output device, and simp vlyayuschy input through a low pass filter connected to the output of the noise generator, also connected to the third output device, wherein the low frequency generator is controlled by the frequency and its control input connected to the output of the lowpass filter. The technical result achieved in the utility model is to implement some randomness sinusoidally modulated current due to the fact that the modulation frequency has a random character. This can reduce the bodys adaptation to the action of an electric current. Also extended functional capabilities of the device by introducing into it an additional pulse and noise output.Полезная модель относится к медицине и может быть использована для лечения неинфекционного простатита и хронических простатопатий (конгестии, синдрома тазовой боли, ишемической болезни таза). Техническая задача, решаемая в заявленном устройстве, состоит во внесении хаотичности в стимулирующий электрический ток для уменьшения привыкания организма к его воздействию и расширении функ