It refers to the polypropylene copolymer molecule containing TNF family binding Trimolecule (tumor necrosis factor), including at least one part capable of specifically adding PD1 (predetermined death protein 1), and one polypropylene copolymer and the second polypropylene copolymer, which are connected by desulfurization bond (the first polyacrylic copolymer has two). The shell or part of a TNF alliance member is connected by a canned pepper, while the second polyacrylonitrile has a shell of a TNF alliance member or part of it,And a separate polynucleotide, which encodes the molecule described above (which may be contained in an expression vector or host cell).And a pharmacologic synthesis containing a molecule or derivative (which may be 1 or more and a therapeutic agent may be added) and at least one acceptable drug precursor (solvent, surfactant, antioxidant, etc.). It also refers to tests to study physical and chemical properties and / or biological activities, as well as production, recombination, treatment and therapeutic methods. The present invention is useful for the treatment of cancer.Se refiere a una molecula de union a antigeno que contiene trimero de ligando de la familia de TNF (Factor de Necrosis Tumoral) que comprende al menos un resto capaz de unirse especificamente a PD1 (proteina de muerte programada 1) y un primer y un segundo polipeptido unidos entre si por un enlace disulfuro (el primer polipeptido tiene 2 ectodominios de un miembro de la familia de ligandos de TNF o un fragmento del mismo, conectados entre si por un enlazador peptidico, mientras que el segundo polipeptido tiene un ectodominio de dicho miembro de la familia de ligandos de TNF o un fragmento del mismo), asi como a un polinucleotido aislado que codifica la molecula descrita lineas arriba (puede estar comprendido en un vector de expresion o en una celula hospedadora), y a composiciones farmaceuticas que contienen la molecula o un derivado (pueden ser 1 o mas y se puede anadir