1. Living three-dimensional bioengineered tissue or organ containing one or more layers, characterized in that these layers: a) practically do not contain scaffold (they are frameless) at the time of application; and b) obtained by bioprinting (bioprinting), these one or more layers are applicable for spinal implantation after appropriate maturation; provided that at least one layer of bioengineered tissue or organ contains muscle cells and that the bioengineered tissue or organ is not a vascular tube. 2. A tissue or organ according to claim 1, wherein at least one layer contains a number of cell types, these cell types are arranged in space relative to each other so that a plenary structure is created. A tissue or organ according to claim 2, wherein the smallest thickness of at least one layer at the time of biofabrication is at least 100 microns. A tissue or organ according to claim 1, comprising a plurality of layers, of which at least one layer differs in composition or structure from at least one other layer, resulting in a layered structure. A tissue or organ according to claim 4, wherein the smallest thickness of at least one layer at the time of biofabrication is at least 100 microns. A tissue or organ according to claim 1, which is a bag (capsule), flap (layer) or tube, wherein said tube is not a vascular tube. A tissue or organ according to claim 1, which practically (essentially) does not contain any pre-formed scaffold (they are frameless) at the time of application. A tissue or organ according to claim 1, which are obtained by bioprinting. The tissue or organ of claim 1, wherein1. Живые трехмерные биоинженерные ткань или орган, содержащие один или более слоев, характеризующихся тем, что эти слои: а) практически не содержат скаффолда (являются бескаркасными) в момент применения; и б) полученные методом биопечати (биопринтинга), эти один или более слоев применимы для имплантации позвоночному после соответствующего созревания; при условии, что по меньшей м