The present invention is a method comprising a microbial enzymatic conversion with biochemical reactions of an enzyme inherent in the blueberry fruit. The fermented enzyme liquid has the effects of enhancing the immunity and anti-inflammatory properties. The blueberry enzyme nutrient solution contains abundant anthocyanins and antioxidants. They are known for lowering risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer, reducing the effects age-related conditions such as Alzheimers disease, dementia, and maintaining healthy skin.這個發明,是一種用細菌來萃取藍莓具有的酵素。轉化而發酵素液體,具有增強免疫和抗發炎的特質。藍莓含有許多花青素,和抗氧化劑,我們知道,能降低心臟血管的疾病和抗癌的作用,藍莓酵素液體每天服用可促進身體健康,還有抗老及預防老人癡呆和失智症並能促進皮膚健康。