Absorbent pads for personal sanitary items are made by a device that comprises a set of pick-up heads (2) moving along a feed path (P), a first application unit (5) and a second application unit (6) by which a respective first portion (4a) and second portion (4b) of an absorbent pad are placed on the pick-up head (2), and a motion-inducing mechanism, coupled to the pick-up head (2), which is designed to bring about a relative displacement between the first portion (4a) and the second portion (4b), so that when the second portion (4b) is placed over the first portion (4a), the one will be covered by the other only in part. A method of making absorbent pads using the device in question includes the steps of preparing a first portion (4a) and a second portion (4b) of an absorbent pad, then placing the second portion (4b) over the first portion (4a) in such a way that the first portion (4a) is covered only in part by the second portion (4b).