Toothpaste with refresh fragrance can be produced by melting fruit juice or dried fruit powder into toothpaste. At least one or two or more kinds of fruits can be mixed therein. Other ingredients can additionally be added. Kinds of fruits which can be added with are pear, pineapple, pomegranate, orange, peach, citrus, coconut, quince, apple, grapefruit, cherry, banana, grape, orange, tropical fruit, melon, Japanese apricot, raspberry, strawberry, water melon, Korean melon, apricot, citron, guava and lemon.COPYRIGHT KIPO 20161.치약에 과일농축액이나 과일건조가루를 녹여 상큼한향의 치약을 만든다.2.과일은 1가지만 들어갈수도 있고, 2가지 혹은 그 이상 혼합될수 있다.추가로 다른 재료를 넣을수도 있다.3.들어가는 과일의 종류에는 배,파인애플,석류,오렌지,복숭아,귤,코코넛,모과,사과,자몽,체리,바나나,포도,오렌지,열대과일,메론,매실,복분자,딸기,수박,참외,살구,유자,구아바,레몬이다.