To provide a main food material for constitution improvement capable of supplementing and strengthening its weaknesses in addition to taking necessary nutrition and expecting improvement of lifestyle-related diseases.SOLUTION: In brown rice, crude drugs and millets were added separately for improving effect on metabolism, circulatory organ, respiratory apparatus, gastrointestinal apparatus and urinary organ by day of ingestion in the brown rice and then put in a container. The herbal medicine is one of a combination selected from Tanaka and Carnivora, Safflower and Ikka, Yellow and Yoshiko, Broiled Licorice and Sanctuary, Chaengyi and Sacred, and each of these sets is constituted as a powder or a liquid And mixed with millet containing millet composed of millet and millet, black rice, barley, rice and wheat, and azuki bean or a combination thereof.(FIG.【課題】必要な栄養を取ることに加え自身の弱点を補い強化できて、生活習慣病の改善が期待できる体質改善用主食材料を提供する。【解決手段】玄米と、この玄米中に摂取日別に新陳代謝・循環器・呼吸器・消化器・泌尿器に対する改善効果に分けて生薬と雑穀を入れて炊き合わせて容器に入れた。生薬は、田七人参と決明子、紅花と我朮、黄精と山査子、炙甘草と沙参、枹杞子と仙芽から選ばれた組み合せの一つとし、これらの各組を粉末または液体として構成し、粟と黍、黒米、押麦、稗と鳩麦、小豆から選ばれた一種またはその組み合せから構成されている雑穀を生薬中に混ぜ込んだ。【選択図】図2