The Invention provides a production method with mass production capability of UK 2 at low cost, we analyzed Genomic DNA from 3 - 7 streptoverticillium sp., which produces UK - 2, to identify a region which is expected to be a group of biosynthetic genes of UK - 2. Moreover, by hybridizing Colonies were isolated successfully, the DNA in the region.In addition, we used the DNA to prepare a Strain in which altered genes in the region. It was found that the strain produces no UK - 2. It was verified that the genomic region outside the group of biosynthetic genes of UK - 2. In addition, became streptoverticillium sp. 3 - 7 by the introduction of a Vector in which to insert the biosynthetic genes of UK Group 2 isolates.It is also found that the productivity of UK - 2 by the Transforming Enhanced about 10 to 60 times or more compared with that of the parent Strain. Moreover, it was revealed that the two copies of the biosynthetic gene Cluster of UK - 2 were present in these transformants, respectivelyLa invencion proporciona un metodo de produccion con capacidad de produccion en masa de UK-2 a bajo costo, se analizo el ADN genomico de Streptoverticillium sp. 3-7, el cual produce UK-2, para identificar una region que se espera sea un grupo de genes biosinteticos de UK-2. Por otra parte, por hibridacion por colonias, se aislaron exitosamente los ADN en la region. Ademas, se utilizaron los ADN para preparar una cepa en la cual se alteraron los genes presentes en la region. Se encontro que la cepa no produce UK-2. Se verifico que la region genomica fuera el grupo de genes biosinteticos de UK-2. Ademas, se transformo Streptoverticillium sp. 3-7 por la introduccion de un vector en el cual se inserto el grupo de genes biosinteticos de UK-2 aislados. Tambien se encontro que la productividad de UK-2 por el transformante mejoro alrededor de 10 a 60 veces o mas en comparacion con aquel de la cepa progenitora. Por otra parte, se revelo que las dos copias del grupo de genes biosintetic