FIELD: physics.SUBSTANCE: system comprises a C-type frame structure with an X-ray source and an X-ray detector mounted opposite the X-ray source, a mechanized drive for rotationally moving the C-type frame structure, and a control unit that is configured to control the mechanized drive and cause rotational movement of the C-type frame structure for performing the first rotary X-ray scan around the first isocenter with the first rotation axis for the first zone and imaging, at least, second rotary X-ray scan around the second isocenter from the second rotation axis to the second imaging zone. The first and the second isocenters are offset relative to each other in such a way that the connecting line between the first and the second isocenter is transverse to the first and the second rotation axes. The control unit is also configured to provide a convex hull as an extended three-dimensional imaging zone comprising the first imaging zone and the second imaging zone as well as residual areas that are located in the convex hull but outside the first and the second imaging zones. The system is provided with a machine-readable medium, and the method for obtaining the data of the three-dimensional X-ray image of the object is performed by the system operation.EFFECT: expanding the arsenal of X-ray imaging tools.14 cl, 6 dwgГруппа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, а именно к системе рентгеновской визуализации с рамой C-типа. Система содержит структуру рамы С-типа с источником рентгеновского излучения и детектором рентгеновского излучения, установленным напротив источника рентгеновского излучения, механизированный привод для вращательного перемещения структуры рамы С-типа и блок управления, который выполнен с возможностью управления механизированным приводом и вызывания вращательного перемещения структуры рамы С-типа для выполнения первого вращательного рентгеновского сканирования вокруг первого изоцентра с первой осью вращения для первой зоны визуализации и по мен