A device (1) for covering and/or reconstructing a bone defect site (2) and a method of manufacturing an attachment (4) for a covering device for a bone defect site (3) are proposed, wherein the device (1) for covering and/or reconstructing a bone defect site (2) comprises an attachment (4) (moulded shell, rigid shell, moulded body) and at least one fastening means (5) for fixing the attachment (4) to a bone and the attachment (4) is characterised by its dimensionally stable (rigid) nature, and a wall (9) of the attachment (4) facing the bone defect or a wall (11) of the attachment (4) facing away from the bone defect corresponds to the shape of the regenerated bone.Fig. 2本案提出一種用以遮護及/或重建一骨骼缺陷位置(2)之裝置(1)及一種用以製造一骨骼缺陷位置(3)遮護裝置之罩套(4)之方法,其中該用以遮護及/或重建一骨骼缺陷位置(2)之裝置(1)由一罩套(4)(型殼、硬殼、型體)及至少一將罩套(4)固定於一骨骼上之固定元件(5)構成,且罩套(4)具有形狀穩定(剛硬)之特性,且罩套(4)一面向骨骼缺陷之壁部(9)或一遠離骨骼缺陷之壁部(11)對應於所增生之骨骼形狀。(圖2)1‧‧‧裝置2‧‧‧骨骼缺陷位置3‧‧‧顎骨4‧‧‧罩套5‧‧‧固定元件8‧‧‧內部空間9‧‧‧壁部10‧‧‧齒齦