The invention relates to a method and a device for generating a peritoneal dialysis regimen so as to reach a treatment target or a treatment target range. According to the invention, the method comprises: receiving an input quantity relating to the treatment target, receiving an input quantity relating to the patient's characteristics, generating a plurality of regimens of peritoneal dialysis treatment , each such regimen being defined by a series of first cycles and second cycles and by a corresponding number of first cycles and second cycles, simulating the result of a peritoneal dialysis treatment for each one of the plurality of treatment regimens, based on the input quantities relating to the patient's characteristics, in order to generate a simulated result of the treatment and to elaborate a peritoneal dialysis treatment regimen meant to be applied for a specific treatment which may be selected starting from the simulated result of the treatment and from the therapy goal introduced as input quantities. The device, as claimed by the invention, comprises: a therapy target inputting unit (201), a patient's characteristics inputting unit (202) and a peritoneal dialysis regimen generating unit (203) configured to generate an initial set of peritoneal dialysis regimens, within the limits of the admissible treatment parameters range, which are connected to a simulation unit (204) configured to simulate the result of a treatment by peritoneal dialysis for each of the treatment regimens, in order to generate a simulated result of the treatment, which is, in its turn, connected to a selection unit (205) which makes a set of possible treatments available to an operator.Invenţia se referă la o metodă şi la un dispozitiv de generare a unui regim de dializă peritoneală, astfel încât să se atingă o ţintă a tratamentului sau un domeniu al ţintei tratamentului. Metoda conform invenţiei cuprinde: primirea unei mărimi de intrare referitoare la ţinta tratamentului, primirea unei