A winged blood collection needle device is described with a needle guard that covers the whole needle after use, thus keeps the used needle from user contact. The device includes needle housing with a pair of flexible wings and a flash chamber with a hollow needle extending from the distal end of the flash chamber a tubular needle guard with longitudinal slot for sliding within the needle housing, a nose attached to the distal end of needle guard with a push tab pointed upwardly. The proximal end of the flash chamber is connected to a flexible tube with a conical fitting and an end plug. The side of housing has a pair of slats which form two protruded locking latches upon attachment of the two wings, and housing latch formed by a reduced inside diameter section at its distal end. The proximal end of the needle guard has an enlarged outside diameter section to form a guard latch and is snuggly fitted inside the needle housing. As the needle guard is pushed forward, the distal end of the needle guard ramps over and becomes distal to the two slats, thus preventing needle guard from moving backward. Further forward movement of the needle guard is stopped when the enlarged diameter section of needle guard meets the reduced diameter section of the housing. The needle guard is therefore locked in place and completely encapsulates the needle.採血針裝置使用後可覆蓋整支針,因此避免意外針扎或接觸到血。該裝置有一針室具有一對彈性蝶翼及一回血腔,回血腔有自其前端延伸的針管及自其後端延伸的軟管連接至錐形接頭和插塞。一針護管有一縱向狹槽可使針護管在針室內滑動。一針護鼻在針護管前端且有朝上的推片,用於向前推針護管。針室兩側具有一對彈片,當兩蝶翼被套上針室外殼時會被向內推而形成一對卡閂。針室前端與針護管後端各有一止動環。當針護管達到其完全延伸位置,針護管止動環會頂到針室止動環而不能繼續前進,此時針護管之末端已經越過卡閂而不能往後退,因此針護管與針室成鎖定狀態且完全覆蓋住整支鋼針。10‧‧‧針室10a‧‧‧回血腔20‧‧‧針護管20a‧‧‧狹槽20b‧‧‧針護管止動環30‧‧‧針護鼻30a‧‧‧針護鼻開口30b‧‧‧推片40a‧‧‧彈性蝶翼40b‧‧‧彈性蝶翼50‧‧‧針管60‧‧‧延伸軟管60a‧‧‧錐形接頭60b‧‧‧插塞