A vibration recovery method suitable for stethoscopes, comprising the following steps: a, collecting a vibration audio from auscultation and converting the same to an audio signal b, recovering the vibration signal from the audio signal by means of signal processing, and recovering vibration from the vibration signal by means of an oscillator. A stethoscope converts a collected vibration audio from a digital signal back to a vibration signal that is clearer. By means of audio collection of vibration of a vibrating diaphragm, digital audio and electrical signal conversion, and original vibration signal recovery, an auscultation result is recovered to a vibration signal of an original vibrating diaphragm to the maximum extent, such that a user can obtain a vibration effect closest to that of a traditional physical medical stethoscope. The present invention features reduced interference and is more in line with usage habits of medical staff. The medical staff can make judgments directly according to an original auscultation system, which facilitates effective diagnoses.Linvention concerne un procédé de restauration de vibrations approprié pour les stéthoscopes, ledit procédé comprenant les étapes suivantes consistant à : a, collecter un signal audio vibratoire provenant dune auscultation et le convertir en un signal audio b, restaurer le signal vibratoire à partir du signal audio au moyen dun traitement de signaux, et restaurer une vibration à partir du signal vibratoire au moyen dun oscillateur. Le stéthoscope convertit un signal audio vibratoire collecté à partir dun signal numérique en un signal vibratoire qui est plus clair. La collecte audio des vibrations dun diaphragme vibrant, la conversion des signaux électriques et audio numériques, et la restauration des signaux vibratoires dorigine permettent de restaurer un résultat dauscultation en un signal vibratoire dun diaphragme vibrant dorigine damplitude maximale, en sorte quun utilisateur peut obtenir un effet vi