An open flame control device for weed control. The device includes asubstantially cylindrical basket having an open framework including aplurality ofsubstantially equally spaced-apart longitudinal struts attached to a pluralityof hoops,struts being inwardly and upwardly bent at the upper end of the basket. A hubis locatedat the upper end of the basket and is attached to the inwardly and upwardlybent struts.An open flame burner is located within the basket and attached to the hub. Aporousmetal fabric liner surrounds the inside of the basket and is attached thereto.A metalflame reflector is located at the lower end of the basket and occupies theback sideportion of the basket. Means are provided for communicating the open flameburner witha supply of propane. Optionally, means are provided to supply water to thebottom of thebasket.