#$%^&*AU2012200860A120120906.pdf#####ABSTRACT INTRODUCER AND DEPLOYMENT HANDLE FOR SPLITTABLE SHEATH 5 An introducer assembly is provided with a handle assembly (10) which enables automatic retraction and splitting of a sheath (12) of the assembly. The handle includes a drum (22) onto which the sheath (12) can be wound, as well as a cutting blade (30) and a locking assembly (34). The locking assembly (34) provides for flushing of the space between the sheath (12) and inner catheter or other element (14), in a manner in which the handle assembly (10) is not filled with 10 flushing fluid. The locking assembly (34) also provides for clamping of the sheath (12) during transportation and initial insertion of the introducer assembly into a patient and for release of the sheath (12) after flushing and when it is desired to retract the sheath (12). Once so released, the sheath (12) can be retracted and automatically split by means of the cutting blade (30).1/1 46 60 62 Unlock Lock 44 36 5,4 52 50 32 30 114 38 12 40 48 34 64 6 42 56,38 228 26 22 20 24 10 Figure 1