The present invention relates to a Domestic rat trap using available accessories. The machine in general has 17 parts :- 1. Food hook, 2. Hammer lock, 3. Hammer, 4. Hammer clip, 5. Trigger, 6.Trigger point, 7. Spring small 1&2,8.Spring big 1&2, 9. Body of the trap (Bottom),10. Body of the trap (Top), 11. Spindle, 12.Spindle lock, 13.Major, 14. H- shape, 15. Stopper, 16.Hole and 17. Spring lock. Place the food stuff on food hook of the trap by pressing gently. The tip of the food hook should be touched with the plastic base below the hook, the check hammer lock is inclined to the front of the trap. There is a trigger at the bottom of the back side of the trap. Press this trigger if the hammer lock lies upward, then the hammer lock will come towards the front side. Now hold the trap at the back by the lift hand. Then place the forefinger of the right hand in the hook of the hammer and lift it. Now withdraw the forefinger by supporting the hammer at the bottom by the other fingers of the right hand. Then lift the hammer and place it on the hammer lock at the top of the trap. This hammer lock works like the door lock mechanism of motor vehicles. So just press the hammer lock with the hammer to lock it. Now the trap is ready to use. Hold the trap at the back and can place where the rat are frequenting. When the rat touches the food stuffs at food hook, the friction unlocks the hammer from hammer lock and false heavily on the neck of the rat and kills them at ones by breaking the spinal chord. As the hammer has no sharp pointed portions, the hammer does not make any wounds on the rats to produce blood. The hammer is specially designed to fall on the neck on the rat, when they touch the food stuff. Wash the trap gently after removing the dead rat and can use again to trap as many rat as you prefer, at any time. This 400 gm weighing device can easily trap and kill the rat of any size.La présente invention porte sur un piège à rat domestique utilisant des accessoires disponi