A fluid delivery device for discharging a fluid comprising:a housing; piston pump; biasing mechanism; and triggermechanism. The housing comprises a basal end and a dischargeend having an outlet for discharging the fluid. The pistonpump comprises a casing defining a pump chamber for storageof the fluid, piston slidably movable relative to the pumpchamber, piston plunger, and delivery channel. The triggermechanism movable from a cocked configuration wherein thetrigger mechanism prevents transfer of a biasing force ofthe biasing mechanism to the casing to thereby preventmovement of the casing towards the outlet of the housing toa triggered configuration wherein the trigger mechanismenables transfer of the biasing force to the casing tothereby cause movement of the casing towards the outlet ofthe housing so as to discharge fluid from the pump chamber,along the delivery channel and out of the outlet.