The present invention relates to the environment controlled multibay structured greenhouses provisioning modules Z1 to Z7 and plurality of sensors. Z1 provisioning compressor, tanks T1, T2, Ta, capture manifold, release manifold, Z2 provisioning cost effective material earth tube heat exchanger for very cost effective heating of premises in cold / freezing cold locations, drastically reducing crude (fossil fuel) demand, Z3 maintains greenhouse relative humidity defined precise set point, Z4 generates geo-thermal energy, Z5 ameliorates global warming by abhorting greenhouse carbon dioxide release into atmospheres, Z6 uses activated fertilizers, nutrients solutions reducing input cost, ~50% drip dozing, ~75% foliar dozing, Z7 offers greenhouse roof and sides' polyethylene film fixed and automated roll on/ off thermal screen cum shading curtains 0-100% convertible and cost effective means or methods eliminating gutters, increasing light energy into greenhouse, Z7 Z3, and Z5 offer best integrated pest management obviating toxic crop protection agents' use.