Medical devices, and in particular implantable medical devices, may be coatedtominimize or substantially eliminate a biological organism's reaction to theintroduction ofthe medical device to the organism. The medical devices may be coated with anynumberof biocompatible materials. Therapeutic drugs, agents or compounds may bemixed withthe biocompatible materials and affixed to at least a portion of the medicaldevice. Inaddition, various polymer combinations may be utilized to control the elutionrates of thetherapeutic drugs, agents and/or compounds from the implantable medicaldevices. Themedical device is disclosed that comprises an implantable structure, abasecoat matrixand a topcoat. The basecoat matrix includes a combination of rapamycin andcilostazol, intherapeutic dosages, incorporated in a first polymeric material. The basecoatmatrix isaffixed to the surface of the implantable medical device. The topcoat includesa secondpolymeric material. The topcoat is affixed to the basecoat matrix forcontrolling theelution rate of the rapamycin and cilostazol.