A series of deformable, accommodating intraocular lenses is disclosed, wherethe series subtends a range of nominal powers . The capsular bag of the eye exertsa distorting force on the lens, thereby changing its power and allowing for accommodation.A full accommodation range is the lens power that brings a distant object intofocus, subtracted from the lens power that brings a near object into focus. Eachlens (10) in the series has essentially the same shape, which is optimized to maximizethe accommodation range for a given distorting force. Typically, the lensesin the series have a meniscus shape, although plano-convex and bi-convex mayalso be used, in order to vary the nominal power for each lens in the series, withoutsignificantly affecting the accommodation range, a diffraction grating (13)is applied to one or both of the lens surfaces (11, 12) , where the grating poweris different for each lens in the series.