By that increased (or kept) LTP of synaptic transmission, the present invention, peptide-1 useful glucagon-like prevention proactively decline in cognitive function associated with the failure of these types, and to reverse or improve ( relates to a peptide analog of 7-36). Moreover, there have utility in the prevention of neurological disorders by delaying the onset of damage to the recognition process, as well as decline in cognitive functions caused by neurodegeneration, maintenance of the LTP, aging or trauma it is understood that it is also useful for the treatment of functional disorders associated with recognition process.本発明は、シナプス伝達のLTPを増加(または維持)することで、これらの型の障害に付随する認識機能の低下を予防的に防止、改善または逆転させるのに有用なグルカゴン様ペプチド-1(7-36)のペプチドアナログに関する。その上、LTPの維持は、認識プロセスの損傷の開始を遅らせることで神経学的疾患の予防にて有用性があり、神経変性により惹起される認知機能の低下のみならず、トラウマまたは加齢に伴う機能障害性認識プロセスに対する治療にも役立つことがわかる。