A bee frame designed to hold honey comb is applicable in beekeeping. It consists of a top bar (1), a bottom bar (2), and two side bars (3) that are firmly fixed, constructed in a such way that left and right halves of a top and bottom bars are mutually displaced, while common edges (4) and (5) lie in the plane of comb beeswax foundation (7). The proposed design of a frame enables bees to build honey comb from the bottom edge of the bottom bar (4) to the top edge of the top bar (5), that is all the way through the frame. In this way unusable large vertical gap, which exists in other design solutions, is eliminated. What remains is just a narrow lane that represents passage for bees (6). So, bees and their cluster are enabled to move all around the comb through the whole hive that consists of arbitrary number of supers without having to cross space without comb.