FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, namely to dentistry, and is intended for aesthetic dental restoration using light cure composite dental material. Method comprises determining the colour of a tooth according to the VITA scale. Enamel layer on the vestibular side of the tooth and on a cutting edge is being grinded off with thickness of 0.01 to 1.5 mm. Restoration strap is being produced as follows: in a molding matrix cavity, matching the shape of a precervical, vestibular or any other dental surface, portion of the composite light cure dental material of selected colour is being placed die is being laid on the matrix so, that the fixing pins enter fixing slots, and ledges enter forming cavities a device is being pressed until fixing ledges completely dip into fixing slots composite material is being polymerised through a transparent die finished restoration strap is being removed from the device inner surface of the restoration strap is being machined. Composite material is being placed on internal surface of restoration strap and on the vestibular surface of the tooth to be restored. Restoration strap is being fixed to the vestibular surface of the tooth with low pressure. Before polymerization excess composite material is being removed at the edges, restoration surfaces are being grinded and polished.EFFECT: method enables restoring a tooth with colour and external structure, most close to natural teeth, significantly reduces the restoration time, easy to use, saves material resources.1 cl, 1 dwg, 2 tblИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к стоматологии, и предназначено для использования при эстетической реставрации зубов стоматологическим композитным светоотверждаемым материалом. Определяют цвет зуба по шкале VITA. Сошлифовывают слой эмали с вестибулярной стороны зуба и по режущему краю толщиной от 0,01 до 1,5 мм. Изготовляют реставрационную накладку следующим образом: в формующую полость матрицы, совпадающую по форме с формой прише