The positive backrests of this Chong Zuo Department Ti Gong mono- Seed Ji Zhui Jiao, Zhu, which Yaos the Inner Mian Let of the positive backrests of Department Yu Jiao, Number Ge Bomb bags, and what Bomb bags Inner is injected with Liu Body, and the Bomb Dai such as The Even are connected to Pressure power inductors, and Fu Let have Yi Soft Quality Nursing Pads Shang what Bomb bagsThe Pressure Li Tone for the Pressure power Fang Bian Jin row Bomb bag Inner Jia Pressure With Vent Pressure that the Pressure power Yi Measuring that Ji You Even connect the Pressure power inductor Come sense Should Bomb bags of what Bomb bags obtain Bomb bags Inner are whole, the position of the Pressure power Right vertebra Bend song Change shapes of each Bomb bags is set to bestow Pressure power, the effect of Ke Geng Indeed Real Da Dao Jiao positive vertebra Bend songs Change shapes.本創作係在提供一種脊椎矯正背架,主要係於矯正背架之內面設有數個彈性袋,於彈性袋內注入有流體,該等彈性袋連接有壓力感應器,於彈性袋上覆設有一軟質之護墊;藉由連接於彈性袋之壓力感應器來感應彈性袋之壓力,以測得彈性袋內之壓力,方便進行彈性袋內加壓與洩壓之壓力調整,使各彈性袋之壓力對脊椎彎曲變形之部位施予壓力,可更確實達到矯正脊椎彎曲變形之功效。