FIELD: agriculture.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to a system and method of irrigation for distribution of water in a large area, particularly in horticulture and landscaping plants, and in agriculture, comprising an irrigation mat having the first and the second bearing layers to accommodate the elements related to it, connecting the first and second bearing layers, water-supply elements placed between the first and second bearing layers to supply water to the mat and its distribution in it, and the absorbent layer located between the first and second bearing layers for water storage, means for determining the moisture content of the mat, unit of the information input related the operation of the mat, a device for supplying water to the mat, the measuring device to determine the salt content of the water supplied to the mat, the measuring device to determine the quantity of water supplied to the mat, additional measuring device for measuring weather data, the unit of the information release related to the moisture content of the mat, the salt content of water supplied to it and weather data, the control unit for documentation and processing of data obtained from measurement devices and for generating control signals for controlling the sensors unit of signals and the feeding device. The method of irrigation by the claimed irrigation system is revealed.EFFECT: cheapening of the system, uniform moisture of soil areas is provided.34 cl, 2 dwgИзобретение относится к системе и способу орошения для распределения воды на большой площади, в частности, в садоводстве и ландшафтных сооружениях, и в сельском хозяйстве, содержащей оросительный мат, имеющий первый и второй несущие слои для размещения относящихся к нему элементов, соединения первого и второго несущих слоев, расположенные между первым и вторым несущими слоями водоподводящие элементы для подачи воды в мат и ее распределения в нем и расположенный между первым и вторым несущими слоями поглощающий слой для аккумулирован