A new approach to protein materials and their uses, which differ from conventional powdered protein materials and tissue protein materials, are provided through a different approach. Granules are obtained by subjecting a powdered vegetable protein material having an NSI of 60 or more and a protein content of 75% by weight or more in the solid content to a pressure heating process by a direct heating method using water vapor while dropping in a vertical direction in a powder state. A method for producing a granular protein material, characterized in that従来とは異なるアプローチにより、従来の粉末状蛋白素材や組織状蛋白素材とも異なる、新たな蛋白質素材とその用途を提供する。 NSIが60以上であって、蛋白質含量が固形分中75重量%以上の粉末状植物性蛋白素材を、粉末状態で垂直方向に落下させつつ水蒸気による直接加熱方式で加圧加熱処理することにより顆粒化することを特徴とする、顆粒状蛋白素材の製造法。