It is an object to provide a therapeutic material for a skin ulcer which has excellent therapeutic effects on intractable skin ulcers such as decubitus ulcers with pockets and huge decubitus ulcers. By applying the therapeutic material for decubitus ulcers consisting of a fibrous material holding an antibiotic and a cell proliferation accelerator therein which is formed into an approximately spherical shape to a site of decubitus in a state in which a defect extending to the dermis, subcutaneous tissue, muscle or bone occurs, it is possible to treat critical skin ulcers such as intractable decubitus ulcers with pockets and huge intractable decubitus ulcers, as well as to treat not only relatively mild decubitus classified as stage II according to the US National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) staging system, i.e., decubitus having ulcers in a state in which a part of the dermis is deficient, but also severe decubitus that has progressed to stage III to IV according to the NPUAP staging system, particularly decubitus with intractable ulcers with pockets or decubitus with huge intractable ulcers.