Цыбин Анатолий Александрович (RU),Хохлов Николай Валерьевич (RU),Панин Сергей Валерьевич (RU),Машков Александр Евгеньевич (RU),Бояринцев Валерий Сергеевич (RU)
1. An apparatus for intramedullary nailing, comprising a rod with perforations on the side surface, which comprises a solid tip with holes for locking screws and a lateral recess with a window at its base, a central portion, a distal portion with a central channel paired lower end with a window at the bottom side recesses rod tip, a proximal portion with a central channel, the conjugate in the upper part with the coupling shaft connected to a drain pipe of the suction system, characterized it, that the central part of the rod is solid and has at least one lateral recess with the windows in its upper and lower substrates and the additional through-hole locking screws, wherein the central channel extending through the distal portion of the rod, an upper end coupled to a window in the lower base side of the recess the central portion of the rod and the central bore extending through a proximal portion of the rod, the upper end is associated with a window in the upper base side of the recess the central portion sterzhnya.2. An apparatus for intramedullary nailing, comprising a rod, with perforations at the lateral surface of which comprises a solid shank with holes for the locking screws and the lateral recess with a window, and a distal, central portion and a proximal portion with a central channel, dual upper end to a clutch shaft, connected with a drain pipe of the suction system, characterized in that the distal portion and the central rod made solid and having at least one lateral recess, and optional ADDITIONAL through holes on1. Устройство для интрамедуллярного остеосинтеза, содержащее стержень с перфорационными отверстиями на боковой поверхности, который включает сплошной наконечник с отверстиями под блокирующие винты и боковую выемку с окном в ее основании, центральную часть, дистальную часть с центральным каналом сопряженным нижним концом с окном в основании боковой выемки наконечника стержня, проксимальную часть с центральным каналом, сопряженным в верхней ча