Ряпосов Александр Павлович (UA),Ряпосова Олеся Александровна (RU)
1. A method for preparing an artificial mineralized drinking water seasonal destination, comprising an adjustment of ionic composition of initial water and subsequent administration to a predetermined KSOi K cations of magnesium salts, Mgi anions, Cl, characterized in that the untreated water used demineralized water, pH is adjusted to the range 6.5-6.9, wherein the preparation of mineralized water winter destination in demineralised water with pH value of said introduced MgSO, KSO, ZnSO, Cr (SO), NaCl, CaCl, and KI in an amount of about effectiveness to the content of cations K = 6-8 mg / l, Na = 6-8 mg / l, Mg = 18-22 mg / l, Ca = 12.8 mg / l, Zn = 0,3-0,4 mg / l, Cr = 0,02-0,025 mg / l and anions I = 0,02-0,025 mg / l ,, Cl = 29-41 mg / L.2. A method for preparing an artificial mineralized drinking water seasonal destination, comprising an adjustment of ionic composition of the source water and the subsequent introduction KSOi magnesium salt to a predetermined content of cations K, Mgi anions, Cl, characterized in that the untreated water used demineralized water, pH is adjusted within 6 , 5-6,9, wherein the preparation of mineralized water spring and autumn destination in demineralised water with pH value of said salt is administered MgSO, KSO, ZnSO, Cr (SO), NaCl, KI CaCli to count t he providing the content of cations K = 9-11 mg / l, Na = 9-11 mg / l, Mg = 26-30 mg / l, Ca = 14-18 mg / l, Zn = 0,5-0,7 mg / l, Cr = 0,03-0,035 mg / l and anions I = 0,03-0,035 mg / l ,, Cl = 48-59 mg / l.3. A method for preparing an artificial mineralized drinking water seasonal destination, comprising an adjustment of ionic composition of the source water and the subsequent introduction KSOi magnesium salts the cations K to a predetermined content, Mgi anions, Cl, characterized in that as and1. Способ приготовления искусственной минерализированной питьевой воды сезонного назначения, предусматривающий корректировку ионного состава исходной воды и последующее введение K2SO4 и сол