The following code can be used to include the model in your website:; p gt; current invention; Oacute; n involving the use of a compound; Oacute; N Pharma Amp; EACUTE; UTICA, including an F AMP carbonate compound; OACUTE; RMULA QU AMP; IACUTE; mica 1, for the prevention, mitigation or treatment of earthquakes or S AMP; IACUTE; DROME de Temblor. LT. [P GT]<;p>;LA PRESENTE INVENCIÓ;N SE RELACIONA A UN USO DE UNA COMPOSICIÓ;N FARMACÉ;UTICA QUE INCLUYE UN COMPUESTO DE CARBAMATO DE LA FÓ;RMULA QUÍ;MICA 1 Y SE ADMINISTRA PARA PREVENIR, ALIVIAR O TRATAR TEMBLORES O EL SÍ;NDROME DE TEMBLOR.<;/p>;