One Seed mouthfuls of chamber Open closes ?Move Complex and is good for device (two) Department holds seat, a Tone bed rearrangements and the whole Rod of a Tone including one the one Body, one the 2nd Body, one the Ring connected in stars of the whole Rod of Will The Tone are inserted in the engaging hole Inner that The holds seat And is set by the positioning one end spiral shell Silk into Ring connected in stars, so that The Tone Zheng Rod can phase Right what The Cheng Zuo Jin Hang Xuan Turn ?Move, Ling The Tone Zheng Zuo The phase Right what The Cheng Zuo Jin Hang Shaft are to displacement. Thereby When Niu Turn The Xuan Button Time, can Will The Tone Zheng Rod Xuan Turn ?Move Turn Change As The Tone bed rearrangement Shaft to displacement And Tou Over The Tone bed rearrangements the second trapezoid platforms of Tapes Move The close to Yi Huo Far From the first trapezoid platforms of The, the Closed of i.e. controllable the first and second trapezoid platforms of The is closed or Open Kai Like states, allows what Jin rows mouth chamber Open and closes the strong workers of ?Move Complex.一種口腔開合運動復健器(二),係包括一第一本體、一第二本體、一承座、一調整座及一調整桿,將該調整桿之環形凹槽套入該承座之接合孔內,並藉由一定位螺絲一端置入環形凹槽,使得該調整桿可相對於該承座進行旋轉運動,另該調整座則相對於該承座進行軸向位移。藉此,當扭轉該旋鈕時,可將該調整桿的旋轉運動轉換為該調整座的軸向位移,並透過該調整座帶動該第二梯形平台接近抑或遠離該第一梯形平台,即可控制該第一、二梯形平台的閉合或開啟狀態,俾便於進行口腔開合運動復健工作者。