this invention is about the measurement of the change in the loading line, thus measuring the biological signal and biological signal measurement of the users smartphone, the mail transmission server, the users smartphone from the biological signal from the users emotion. sensibility, and is expected to be more than the standard scope, the use of smart phones and smart phones to tell yousmart phones and the linkage is changed in the system.according to the invention of the smart phone and the linkage is the chair of the system is changed, the ecg sensor, a human body detection signal containing information, including a complete fingerprint detection, fingerprint detection, detection of the fingerprint from the fingerprint for the registered users, compared with... for comparison with stored fingerprint, the judgment of the user, and the users smartphone and the fairing for the arithmetic processing part equipped with athe device changes the change of equipment, plastic equipment, change from the ecg signal containing the biological signal and biological signal and the number of the personal information to the main server to the smart phone transmission, including the characteristics of it.the change of the operation processing device, a biological signal detection part, the detection of the ecg signal from the signal containing biological, emotional state (ES) containing the biological signal data to detect the ramie, ramie biological signal detection of the transmission data to a smart phone, a smart phone. the emotional state (ES) to be compared with the stored reference range, emotional state (ES) exceed the standard range.the user mobile phone and the mobile phone signal in the transmission.본 발명은 변좌에 생체신호 측정부가 장착되어 있어, 이로부터 생체신호를 측정하고, 측정된 생체신호가 사용자의 스마트폰을 통해 메인서버로 전송되고, 사용자의 스마트폰에서 상기 생체신호로부터 사용자의 감성정도를 구하고, 측정된 감성정도가 기준범위를 초과할 경우, 사용자의 스마트폰과 보호자의 스마트폰으로 이를 알리는, 스마트폰과 연동되는 변좌 시스템에 관한 것이다.본 발명의 스마트폰과 연동되는 변좌 시스템은, 의자형태의 변기로서, 심전도센서를 포함하는 생체신호 검출부를 포함하며, 지문검출부를