< Topic >By the fact that the pharmacology effect of reduction prevention and the antiphlogistic anesthetic thermal taking of the rash and the inflammation can be given, the taping tape or the motion dynamic body functional recovery tape is offered because it is one and the motor function assistance etc of daily life of the senior citizen which have auxiliary of prevention and the motor function of the wound of the person who does sport and locating fault.SolutionsFrom first mixing the antihistamic agent on the adhesive face, it can give the function of rash prevention by applying. The methyl salicylate and l menthol, mixing the various medicinal effect components which had the anesthetic antiphlogistic operation such as dl camphor into the adhesive compound of the tape in addition to the antihistamic agent, by applying, it utilized the elasticity of tape 1 physically it can give the duplex effect in recovery of various locating faults in addition to the auxiliary recovery function of the muscle and the muscle skeleton etc, with the pharmacology effect of the various medicinal effect components.< Choice figure >Drawing 1【課題】かぶれ及び炎症の軽減・防止及び消炎・鎮痛・熱取りの薬理効果をもたせることで、スポーツをする人のけがの予防や運動機能の補助、故障箇所のある方や高齢者の日常生活の運動機能補助等のためにテーピングテープまたは運動力学身体機能回復テープを提供する。【解決手段】粘着面に抗ヒスタミン剤を最初から混ぜて塗布することにより、かぶれ防止の機能をもたせる。抗ヒスタミン剤に加えてサリチル酸メチルやlメントール、dlカンフルといった鎮痛・消炎作用をもった様々な薬効成分をテープの粘着剤に混ぜて塗布することにより、テープ1の伸縮性を利用した物理的に筋肉および筋・骨格等の補助回復機能に加え、種々の薬効成分の薬理効果により様々な故障箇所の回復に二重の効果をもたせる。【選択図】図1